---- 2015
---- 2014
---- 2013
---- 2012
---- 2011
---- 2010
1201 Drop, Miami
1023 RRC Show, NJ
1009 StarFish PDF, DE
0915 Blow LV, CA
0901 Drop, Nevada
0901 CuddleFish, NV
0718 Secret Garden, UK
0704 CuddleFish, PEX
0619 Opulent Temple, NYC

0612 Figment, NYC
0320 Matelasse, NYC
---- 2009

1204 Cuddlefish, Miami
1204 Droplet, Miami

1204 Bracelet 2.0, Miami
1127 AKW, Brazil
1005 Stuttgartt, Germany
0925 Horizons, NYC
0901 Awesome Armada
0901 Droplet, Nevada
0901 Bracelet, Nevada

0901 Cuddlefish, Nevada
0704 PEX, Philadelphia
0612 Drop Figment, NYC

0419 Buenos Aires Blow

0329 Hovercraft, Brazil
0321 Voyager1, NYC
0316 SxSW Austin, TX
0306 EyeBeam NYC

0228 Bracelet 2.0, NJ
0228 Drop RRC, NJ
0227 Bracelet NY City Hall
0218 San Miguel Bulb, MX
---- 2008
---- 2007
---- 2006
---- 2005
---- 2004
---- 2003
---- 2002
---- 2001
Texts & Drawings
Note: Dimensions are approximate.
Related product:
The Zorb by Zorb Limited
A double-skinned inflatable structure with enough room for a zorber inside.

More pictures on zorb.com
Related (non-AKA) projects:
- Soft Robot (M. Borgatti)
- Soft Robot (Harvard)
- Tubaloon
- Air Forest
- Tomas Saraceno
- How To Live Together (T. Saraceno)
- Florentijn Hofman
- Jimmy Kuehnle
- Tim Prentice
- Sea Anemone (Pali-X-Mano)
- Überorgan (Tim Hawkinson)
- Luft & Laune GmbH (Urs Meier)
- Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility (NASA)
- Lumination
- Interactive Architecture
- Space art
- Dreamspace QTVR (Maurice Agis)
- Hans Walter Muller
- Gilles Ebersolt
- Babot
- Willie Cole's Irons
- Fan Shirt
- Cloud (Monica Forster)
- Max Streicher
- Inflatable Systems
- Inflatoscape (Jessica Irish)
- Cloud Prototype No. 1 (I–igo Manglano-Ovalle)
- Free-floating (Ivo Keers)
- Bini Systems
- Pneumatrix (Judit Kimpian)
- Ana Rewakowicz
- Aeolian Ride (Jessica Findley)
- Suited for Subversion (Ralph Borland)
- Tumbleweed Rover (Nasa)
- Inflatable Heliostat
- Elevator Disco
- Analogia
- Burble
- BMW Air Camper

Related products:
- Inflatable shelters [1] [2]
- Concrete Canvas (Crawford, Brewin)
- Tensys Dynamics
- Light Balloons
- Air tubes
- ICOSA Pods
- Ecomembrane
- Inflatable antenna
- Inflatable Concentrator
- Inflatable space hotel
- Air King
- 21st Century Airships
- ETFE pillows (Eden Project)
- Poly Ned
- Zorbing
- we're especially loving AK Airways' 22'-by-22' inflatable bracelet sparkling with LEDs The Newark Museum celebrates its 100th birthday with a 100-hour party. Head west, young man by Grace Smith. Time Out New York/Issue 707. Apr. 16/22, 2009
- Works From New Talent Seeking a Boldface Name by Benjamin Genocchio. New York Times. Mar. 8, 2009
- Arts festival awakens sleepy Governors Island by Amy Zimmer. Metro. Jun. 9, 2007
- the strangest sight on Sunday may be the giant inflatable starfish tethered to a tree. Ferrying Creative Impulses Across New York Harbor by Melena Ryzik. New York Times. Jun. 6, 2007 (pdf)
- Was this a mudless terrain of prehistorical sludge or an outer-space settlement? Slithering Through a Shadowy, Unknown World by Jennifer Dunning. New York Times. Oct. 5, 2006
- Blow Up. Club System International. May 2005
- Anakin Koenig interview by Daijetmiu. Not A Rag. June 2004
- All you need to know about fans on Electronics Cooling